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Wikipedia:Translate us

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 21:53, 6 November 2014. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page is a guide for anyone, but particularly new volunteers, willing to help translate articles from the English Wikipedia into other languages.
  კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება
  მივესალმებით ყველა მათგანს, ვინც დაგვეხმარება Wikipedia-ს სწორედ თარგმნაში ინგლისურიდან, რათა შევავსოთ ჩავარდნილი ადგილები.
        სანამ დაიწყებთ

სანამ დაიწყებთ სტატიების თარგმნას, გთხოვთ გაეცანით Wikipedia-ს რედაქტირება ძირითადს. გარკვეულ ადგილებში შეიტანეთ შენიშვნები ხუთი სვეტი, ან იხილეთ წყაროები, რომლებიც მოგცემენ მიმართულებას თუ როგორ უნდა იმუშაოთ.

Here's how you can help

  1. Sign up for a Wikipedia account (not mandatory, but very useful). It's also a good idea to check the "Also log me in to other wikis of the Wikimedia Foundation" box.
  2. Find a suitable article which exists on the English Wikipedia, but not on the Wikipedia in the other language (or where the other language only has a stub). This tool can help.
  3. Translate the English article into the new language. You can do this in a text editor or word processor. Please do not simply use a tool like Google Translate.
  4. On the other Wikipedia, go to the corresponding page, and click the button marked "create" or "edit" in the new language.
  5. Paste your translation in the target page. Don't worry too much about formatting at this stage.
  6. Save the page, including an edit summary stating that you're about to do more and that the text was translated from the English Wikipedia. You must mention the source article by name, to give credit to the original writers.
  7. Go to the sidebar and click "Add links" or "Add links" in the language of the wiki. Enter "en" as the language of the wiki you got the content from, and the title of the page you translated, then click "Link with page".
  8. If appropriate, edit again, tidy up the layout, and add links, headings and images. If you want to add templates, do that, too. (Note that templates for such items as Infoboxes have different wording in other language Wikipedias, and can't simply be copied from one Wikipedia to another. Check the list of available templates on the Wikipedia into which you are translating.)
  9. Save again, including a suitable edit summary.
  10. Check and correct as necessary.

Thank you!

Classroom collaborations

Wikipedia welcomes the involvement of students in article editing. Article translation is particularly well-suited to student involvement. We suggest that they are asked to translate from the language they are leaning, to the language with which they are already familiar.

Such efforts provide useful, real-world translation experience for students, who will be motivated by the fact that their work will be seen by thousands of Wikipedia readers. This also benefits Wikipedia readers, who gain access to information about other cultures and peoples. For assistance setting up a classroom translation project, please see Wikipedia:WikiProject Classroom coordination and Wikipedia:School and university projects.


{{User Translator 2}} may be used to indicate your willingness to translate/proofread and your participation in this project:

{{User Translator 2|es}} produces:
This user is a translator from English to Spanish on Wikipedia:Translate us.
{{User Translator 2|hi|proofreader=yes}} produces:
This user is a translator and proofreader from English to Hindi on Wikipedia:Translate us.
{{User Translator 2|ar|project=no}} produces:
This user likes to translate articles from English to Arabic.
{{User Translator 2|de|proofreader=yes|project=no}} produces:
This user likes to translate and proofread articles from English to German.

After putting this template on a userpage, the page will be added to the appropriate subcategory of Category:Available translators in Wikipedia. When the proofreader attribute is set to 'yes', the page will also be added to a subcategory of Category:Available proofreaders in Wikipedia.

See also

External links